During a mentoring session with Sarah in late 2021, David identified working with wine as his ultimate career goal, so after a little bit of scheming, we approached Aly & the team at Old Bridge Cellars in Como with the idea for David’s Wine Club. The guys were fantastic, super encouraging and supportive of the ethos behind the initiative as it aligns closely with their values. With their invaluable support, Our Ruby Girl began David’s Wine Club in December 2021.

Each month, David showcases his pick from the range at Old Bridge Cellars, paired with his choice of meals from the cafe’s Grab & Go dinner range. In preparation, Aly selects a range of wines he thinks would appeal to David’s palate, style & travel interests. The pair taste them, compare notes and Aly helps David increase his wine knowledge by discussing the wines, how they are made and a bit about the history of the vineyard.

Once David has chosen his star performer, the cafe works to pair it with a meal from our Ruby At Home range to make the perfect combination for dinner with friends, a date night at home or anything in between.

We’ve created a cheeky little insta profile @davidswineclub. We’d love you to follow his journey and use #davidswineclub in your socials! Be sure to follow @oldbridgecellars_como to keep up to date with special offers, you’ll see David appear on their socials from time to time.


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David’s Wine Club is proudly brought to you by the incredible independent bottle shop

Old Bridge Cellars In Como

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